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Monthly Tooth Brushing Star Charts

The parents among you will all relate to how tricky it can sometimes be to encourage your child to brush their teeth! We’ve all been there, but the great news is that there are lots of tips and tricks nowadays to help you out. From reward charts and stickers to the novelty of flashing light up tooth brushes with timers, there’s something for everyone.  Check out my free printable Brushing Your Teeth Word Search in Easy and Hard Versions here.

Have you tried giving your child the fruit or strawberry toothpaste that is on offer? Have you tried toothbrushes with a timer or even role-playing that you are the dentist? I have and I’ve found that a combination of the above methods can definitely offer some assistance to every parent out there!

The easiest place to start is with a simple tooth brushing star chart with reward stickers. This can help to boost your child’s confidence and will help to keep track of their progress, which in turn can motivate them to keep trying! Check out my free printable Tooth Fairy Certificates here.

If you child doesn’t enjoy brushing their teeth, then why not make it into a game by using role-play. Get your child to wait outside the bathroom whilst you play that you are the dentist and have to get your surgery room ready. (Whilst pretending to get ready, simply add the toothpaste to your child’s toothbrush). Once you open the door and welcome them into the ‘dentist’s office’, conduct a pretend check of their teeth. Count each tooth as you go and then say when you are ready to brush them.

Ask your child’s permission to brush their teeth and then invite them to continue to brush their teeth once you have got them started with the correct circular motion. This could be a fun role-playing game to try out, even if you just attempt it the once. Drop me an email to let me know how you got on!

These tooth brushing reward stickers below are the exact ones that I use for my children. They are brightly coloured and suitable for boys and girls. Reward stickers can really help to provide validation for your child and encourage them to keep trying to brush their teeth independently.

This dentist play-doh set below has provided hours of fun for my children. They love making teeth in the mould provided and then drilling them with the working drill bit! A warning to anyone who has ever had a filling though, the drill seems quite realistic and watching this might make even the most comfortable dental patient nervous! (But the kids love it!)

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