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Daily Breastfeeding and Nappy Changing Charts

When breastfeeding, it can sometimes be hard to keep track of which breast your baby fed from last. This is especially true if you are a new or first time mother. It can be an important issue because the baby needs to fully drain each breast before starting on the other one or they will not receive the ‘hind’ milk (the fatty milk which is more filling and nutritious) but rather only get the ‘fore’ milk which has a greater water content and is ideal for quenching your baby’s thirst.

Check out my free printable Weekly Breastfeeding Chart here.

After discovering this was important to me when I first started breastfeeding, I decided to create this simple daily breastfeeding chart to help keep track of my baby’s feeds. The chart also takes account of parents who are bottle feeding as there is also a column for pumping and the number of bottles given.

It can be helpful to show your midwife or doctor your daily breastfeeding schedule, especially in the early days of starting breastfeeding. This is important as the parents amongst you  already know, a baby’s weight needs to gain at a specific amount in those first early weeks of life, or it could be a cause for concern. A health professional may be able to gauge more about your baby’s health from seeing their daily routine and feeding schedule.

There is also room on the chart to include your child’s wet and dry nappies too. This will be directly linked to their intake of milk and feeding pattern and can also be helpful information for your visiting midwife. 

It can even help you with budgeting for how many nappies you may need in a certain size if you are visiting family and friends as you can estimate roughly how many nappies you may need per day. Certainly, this figure will only be a calculated guess but it can help to know roughly what to pack for your child’s travel bag!

Keeping a chart like this can also help you as a breastfeeding mother, because if too much milk builds up in the breasts then this can cause mastitis or ‘blocked ducts’. I’ve been there and it can be extremely painful. Some people recommend reliving it with a warm flannel but I always found that pumping inbetween my baby’s feeds relived it quickly. Mastitis can become a serious issue or lead to infections so it is very important to always ask your midwife or a doctor if you think you are experiencing symptoms of mastitis.

I hope that this free printable daily breastfeeding chart is useful for you as it was for me. Remember to check out my other free printable Weekly Breastfeeding Chart to record your baby’s feeds on too.

The free Breastfeeding and Nappy Chart is also available in a blue colour-way below too. I hope you find it useful as I did. 

Do drop me an email if you have any other chart ideas or suggestions that you would find helpful and I’ll always take your suggestions onboard!

Check out my free printable Weekly Potty Training Star chart here and my free printable Monthly Tooth Brushing Star Chart here as well.

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